
Pick a plan that’s right for you

Free Trial

Try Lead Exchange 100% free & access your free 14-day trial.

  • 100% verified emails
  • Company searches
  • People searches
  • Direct & company emails
  • Mobile direct dials
  • Export contacts to CSV
  • Chrome extension
  • Email sequences
  • Access to integrations
  • Multiple users


Download upto 5,000 Lead Data

  • 100% verified emails
  • Company searches
  • People searches
  • Direct & company emails
  • Export contacts to CSV
  • Chrome extension
  • Email sequences
  • Access to integrations
  • Online Review
  • Social Proof
  • Multiple users (up to 3)


Download upto 1,000 Lead Data

  • 100% verified emails
  • Company searches
  • People searches
  • Direct & company emails
  • Export contacts to CSV
  • Chrome extension
  • Email sequences
  • Access to integrations
  • Online Review
  • Social Proof
  • Multiple users


Get in touch with us to talk about your custom Lead Exchange Enterprise (Unlimited) plan.